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Alumni Spotlight: Ashleigh King (Lieberman)


By: MMACHS Staff

Ashleigh with her husband and two children

This week's alumni spotlight catches up with 2007 graduate Ashleigh King (Lieberman), whose post-MMACHS path has taken her all the way to Romania!

Tell us about your education after MMACHS

I attended Idaho State University and was a part of the Honors Program. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. After completing college I did an internship with a campus ministry, then took online classes and received my Ordination credentials with the Assemblies of God.

What has your post-education life looked like?

Currently my husband and I serve in Romania doing children's ministry. Before this I was on staff with a college ministry at Montana Tech in Butte, MT as well as a part time church secretary. Before that I worked at an animal shelter. During college I worked at the Pocatello Zoo and at a Veterinarian clinic in Pocatello. Currently, we live in Bucharest. Our days are often spent planning children's outreaches, TV Programs, other children's events, women's' events, etc. We film a TV program for children that airs weekly. We love the opportunity to live overseas and explore another culture! And we love the opportunity to pour into the lives of children. We have many great opportunities here to connect with people, even while still learning the language, and we are very grateful! Our family (husband Troy, Harper 4, Ezra 2) love to enjoy the city we live in and explore all the parks here! We are still exploring Romania and learning more about the country.

What are you favorite memories during your time at MMACHS?

So many great memories of MMACHS! Definitely HOSA was a highlight but I was involved in HOSA, Yearbook, Club Earth, as well as a couple other clubs I was lightly involved in. But I was a HOSA officer (for MMACHS and one year as a state officer) and a yearbook editor. But really, I have great memories of my time at MMACHS. I'm so grateful for the doors it opened, for the ways it pushed me in my leadership skills, and for the friendships I made there. Some of the best memories are HOSA conferences - the competition and also the fun that comes with it! As well as long days, weekends, and evenings editing the yearbook. We had a lot of laughs as we worked on that yearbook! There are truly so many memories that I could list! We honestly had some of the best teachers! Sra. Brasil, Mr. Melby, Mrs. Redding, and the list goes on! I love seeing everything that is happening at MMACHS and I love seeing how things have grown and developed (like HOSA and ISU partnership)

Thank you for filling us in our your incredible journey, Ashleigh!

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