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Student Spotlight: Kaiden Snuffer

MMACHS Journalism Staff

By: Giselle Robles

Kaiden Snuffer - MMACHS Class of 2027

Rolling into the arena is Kaiden Snuffer. Her teammates all know her as the girl with the classic black skates but with unique green accents. The green laces and wheels are a great way to know that Snuffer is in the arena, ready for action.

Kaiden Snuffer is a freshman at MMACHS with a very intense and intriguing hobby. She does roller derby to relieve stress and be active, but mostly to do what she loves most. Since she was a young girl, she has been skating. Initially, Snuffer started off just going to places to roller skate, like Roller Dome in Nampa, Idaho, but later found a love for hockey.

After discovering hockey, she played for a few years. She says the ice is very different from regular rollerblading rinks. Despite the difference, she was so thrilled to put her time into something that blended her favorite pastime and gave her something to look forward to.

Unfortunately, as many also experienced through the pandemic, her sport was cut short. The complications of COVID made it very difficult for Kaiden to continue doing what she loved.

She had a call to action and needed to find an alternative. Luckily for Kaiden, she ran into a sport that would improve her life for the better. “I started roller derby 4 years ago, and it was exactly what I needed” she exclaimed. She did get to go back to hockey, and currently plays both.

Kaiden has had a wonderful experience for the last four years, playing in roller derby. She holds a big reputation in Idaho. Many say she may be one of the best derby players for her age group in the state! She competes frequently and earned the high honor of team captain!

As captain, she carries great responsibility and must know what she is doing. Snuffer does exactly that.

With every game, she reacts with impressive moves and plays.

Not only does she hold an important title in the team, but she also holds one of the most crucial roles in the game, a “jammer”.

Every team has a jammer. This is the player that will attempt to lap the most skaters on the other team as possible. Each skater that the jammer manages to pass counts as a point. Kaiden is very important to the team because as a jammer, you are the only player who can actually score. Everyone else on the job must protect her, making sure her path is clear for success.

Her helmet is marked with a big star to represent her role in the game, but also to recognize the power she holds as a player.

Kaiden has been with the same team for the last 4 years. She loves her team and has made the best of her friends there. “We all learn so much together and there is always something new every time”.

She is very proud and fond of her teammates and the friends she has made along the way.

It is great to add that Kaiden is at MMACHS because of her teammate. “My friend and I were just talking, and she brought up this school. I started looking into it, and it is very good she mentioned it to me. I am excited to see what I learn from the classes here. I am most excited about sports medicine”.

Kaiden wants to go into emergency medicine. Like in roller derby, this career is very action based and she thrives in that setting. Kaiden loves how derby teaches her to be good under pressure. She definitely use her derby skills in her future.

It is safe to say roller derby has given Kaiden Snuffer a lot for herself. She was gifted a great team of best friends. She finds comfort in her team and is very appreciative of being/ a captain. She found a fantastic way to relieve her stresses from school, while still being active and using her brain power. She is thankful for the world of derby.

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